Addiction prevention for young adults

Are you currently 18 years old? Then you can register on our gaming platform. But please note that according to several studies, the age group you belong to, namely the age group of 18 to 24 years, is more at risk of developing an addiction. Therefore, we pay extra attention so that playing and betting does not affect your daily life. We will always monitor your activity and get in touch with you if we notice any at-risk gambling behavior.

To limit the risks of a potential addiction, your age group is not eligible for any promotions or bonuses.

Despite the measure we take, do you feel you spending more money than you can afford or that gambling is becoming more and more important in your life? Don’t hesitate to contact us. You can also take the self-assessment test provided by the Centrum voor Verantwoord Gokken to assess what kind of player you are.